Showing posts with label Raj. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raj. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

RAJ/Jesus Explains Healing and Physical Regeneration

RAJ/Jesus Explains Healing and Physical Regeneration

QUESTION:   Boy, I don't need to ask anything because everything has been so marvelous for me this last year and a half.   And it seems that all I need to do is to wish for something and it's there before I even know about it. And physically, I'm having a little bit more problems. I can usually be able to help with a tooth that is hurting or something else. But I have problems with my eyes and I can't seem to get too much help on that. And I am wondering, are we just going to continue the way we are, or what do I do? Do I just accept it?
ANSWER:   Absolutely not!  Never just accept limitation, whether it is physical or in terms of a relationship or finances, etc. Again, "It is the Father's Good Pleasure to give you The Kingdom." Absolutely none of what constitutes your perfection in all areas is withheld from you. It is your birthright to be experiencing It.
Now, and this is important for everyone, do not let your frustration at not experiencing it occupy your thought to the point that you are distracted from giving permission for your perfection to be experienced; giving permission for your healing.
Now, I simply encourage you, each night, just before you fall asleep, to ask your Healing Team, to address the issue with your eyes, ask for a Healing Session during the night, while you are sleeping.  Then, during the daytime, when you feel yourself being bothered relative to your eyes, or even if just the thought comes to you, acknowledge that perfect vision is your Birthright.
Remind yourself that it is the intent of your body to identify the presence of you, perfectly! That it is therefore the intent of your eyes to perform their function, perfectly. That is their intent. That is their inclination, and by acknowledging it, you engage in a little bit of re-programming of your mind-sets  in acknowledging that it is your birthright to experience your perfection, physically.
And indeed, it is the intent of your body to identify you perfectly. You are  beginning to come into alignment with the Truth.  At least relative to a your thinking, you are coming into alignment with the Truth. And that is what allows for the penetration of the Truth to occur and regenerate. Now it is absolutely appropriate to any of you to assume that because you are a certain age, simply means you have traveled around the Sun a certain number of times.
It is absolutely inappropriate for you to believe or accept the idea that because you are a certain age, there are certain things you must just accept: That  you  must just realize that you can't do what you used to do and that you shouldn't even bother to try anymore.
The fullness of the Expression of God that constitutes your identity and your individuality and your existence is as fresh and new today as it was when you were two hours old.  God isn't running down. God's Self-Expression isn't becoming weakened.  God Is still Omnipotent, And Omnipresent.  And any limitation that one is feeling is invalid and illusory.
But one does, through the use of Imagination, begin to embrace mis-taken concepts. And then, that one begins to behave according to the concepts. All age problems are not old age problems. There are teenagers who are suffering from being teenagers. And there are those who are in there forties, who are suffering from "mid life crisis," and there are those who are 24 or 25 who are not yet feeling a strong sense of their presence and substantiality.
They're not, in their mind, quite grown up and they're not kids anymore. And that is a problem, an age problem. But whether you are 14, or whether you are 80, are whether you are 40.  In other words, whether you have traveled around the sun 14 times or 80 times, having experienced a little bit of space travel, you are always the full representation of Mind, the full representation or manifestation of God expressing HimSelf/HerSelf.
The Creation of God that constitutes your conscious experience of Being, is forever new and forever vital. And those who, getting into their "twilight years," which is just another ridiculous concept, who put off living because there's not enough time left to complete any of it, will find themselves, after they have passed on, as I said yesterday, with the same opportunities to continue to engage in Life.
And I will tell you, you will not suddenly find yourself to be a babe again, with what might seem to be a natural feeling of having a whole life ahead of you with freshness. You will find yourself experiencing yourself just as you were before you passed on. And then you will say, wow, I'm not going to postpone living any more. Why didn't I realize that 20 years ago, when I was 60.
The moment you begin to say, "I guess I'm just going to have to put up with my limitations," again, whether you're 60 or 20, you are simply succumbing to a mis-perception, an aberration of Awareness. And if you indulge in it, you begin to undermine your sense of your own integrity, both physically and mentally. And you begin to squelch the Life Force within you.
The Life Force is there. The ideas come to engage in Life, but then the intellect and the conditioning comes in and says, "Well, I never saw anybody else do this.  Of course Aunt Agnes would slide down a bannister at 85 years old, but she was eccentric."  I'll tell you, Aunt Agnes was engaging in life and that's why she had the spunk. Because she didn't squelch herself.
Remember that.  If  the Father has withheld nothing of What He Is from His Self Expression, meaning you, then the vitality and vigor of Life are forever present for you to embody. And generally speaking, as a youngster, you dared to embody it without hesitation. But as you became educated and you learned how to be intelligent, you reasoned yourself right out of the spontaneous willingness to be the embodiment of Life.
And that is what I am here to encourage you to stop doing.  Stop withdrawing the permission to experience your perfection, your wholeness and your vitality no matter what age you are.
Now, if you were to pass on at this very instant, you would find yourself still appearing just as you appear. Believing what you believed just a moment ago, except that where you experienced some doubt as to whether you will exist at the moment after death, that ignorance will be annihilated by the fact that you find yourself still existing.
And so the fear of death will be gone. That is the one belief that is altered, annihilated by virtue of the experience of passing on. Now if this were to happen at this moment, you would find others who went on before you, if they had not reincarnated in the meantime, those who you remember as being elderly, who are not manifesting elderlyness, you will find that they have experienced regeneration of their bodies.
It is because they gave up the inclination to just accept where they were. They gave up the inclination to just put up with old age and because also, they had the example of others who went before them who were manifesting more youth, who were physically regenerated.
Now at the moment, you don't have many examples of physical regeneration. There are healings here and there with young people and it is easy to say, well is because they are young and their body has an active immune system. And also, perhaps, they were more spiritually alert and that allowed for regenerative healing.
But those are all just excuses, for not embodying regenerative processes right now. And I cannot say it too often, Now is the accepted time. Don't wait to engage in Waking Up  after  you pass on, don't wait to engage in re-embracing Life  after  you have passed on.
Start giving permission today! No matter what your seeming age, give permission for the perfect Self Expression of the Father/Mother God, to be embodied right where you are. Give permission for the ever new expression of the Father that appears as you to be physically embodied.   Let the perfection of your Being come forth. And I will encourage all of you who have a meta-physical studious orientation, not to turn this into an intellectual process of work.
I encourage you with a certain abandonment and freedom and lightness, to just give permission to yourself to let what the Father Is, fill you and become embodied for no good reason at all other than it expresses that which is essentially natural and normal to divine existence which is the only existence you have to experience, unless you choose to abide in your faulty imagination.  And then you will seem to experience less, in that which is Divinely Natural.
Your Birthright doesn't have to be earned. You do not have to become worthy of God's Love. And you do not have to become worthy of His Will for you, which is  for you to experience yourself in your right Mind with a clear undistorted perception of your perfect body and with the capacity to recognize your world as God is Being It, rather than as your limited perception allows you to see It.
Literally, we are not talking about something that you must gain, that is not natural to you and which therefore requires some practice or exercise, some spiritual exercise or some practice of spiritually correct thinking, in order for you to gain this thing that is not fundamentally natural to you.
The children who are being born today, are being born into an environment and a social setting that is far more spiritually enlightened than society of a thousand y ears ago.  How is it that they are able to cope without having had to go through all of the last 1000 years and the social changes that were worked through, by those who were making the social changes?
It is because they don't come in with pre-conceptions. And they simply embrace what Is. They give permission for there to be cars and airplanes, they give permission for there to be not only color television, but little tiny color televisions, with VCR's that fit in the palm of your hand. They don't have to go through getting used to the wonders of radio and talking pictures, and the development of color film, and the development of black and white TV, etc., in order to be able to embrace this marvel of technology called a portable, handheld color TV, VCR. Likewise, it truly is unnecessary for everyone to go through meta-physical processes of intellect and reasoning in order to deserve to see perfectly. . . or in order to deserve to experience physical regeneration. There simply needs to be the child like willingness to give permission to embrace what is already your Birthright to be experiencing.
And this is the part of the process of yielding, yielding into your Birthright.  Everyone is going to yield into the experience of reality, or the Kingdom Of Heaven.   Everyone simply needs to say, Yes! to their fulfillment, and fulfillment does include the experience of regeneration and healing whether you're 80 or 40, or 25, or 14.
And that's the Truth.
QUESTION:  Thank You.
ANSWER:   You are indeed, welcome.

~excerpt from Gathering with Raj in Carmel 1990

Monday, August 16, 2010


QUESTION:  I have a contrasting feeling about that.  For the last year I have been discovering the person inside of me.  And the comfort of being with a group of people who I know are seeking that divinity, does not mean so much of sharing and but listening and of observing myself, and the gentle nature that I feel from being around people in less loquacious ways.
Raj, my question in my search during this last year, and all of the wonderful things that I have discovered that makes me feel a part of the universe, and of the word “service” has emerged a number of times, and the feeling of service has emerged, and as I listen to definitions of service and exploring what it might mean and how I might be as a person in service.  And incidentally, the Mother Theresa film this evening I feel...  I have applied to the Peace Corp and this is a dream that I have had since 1962, to be a part of that. 
And so my question to you is:  if you see me in that role?  And if I feel it’s a logical extension and I would simply like some collaboration that you might give me on that path of service?  And maybe if it’s not the Peace Corp, it’s something else.  But I would like some direction about the meaning and your interpretation of being of service.
ANSWER:  I will say first of all that it is a marvelously congruent next step for you.
Service... Servant...  If you wish to serve your fellow man, you had better not try to serve your fellow man, else your fellow man will eat you up.  You will sacrifice yourself.  You will be what you serve.  If you wish to be of service to your fellow man, you had better be in touch with what you Are. 
I will soften that a little bit.  If you wish to serve your fellow man, then I encourage you to desire to be in touch with your Self, with a capital “S”.  I encourage you to daily say, “Today I will make no decisions by myself.”  I encourage you to join, not with your fellow man whom you would serve, but to join with that ballast in you that keeps you in balance.  And that ballast in you is the Holy Spirit (the disowned part of yourself that is held in trust, while you think that you are just an ego). 
When you lean into, and depend upon, and yield to the Holy Spirit, you are integrating your limited sense of yourself with the wholeness of what you Are.  And the wholeness of what you Are is not in anyway separate from everything else.  And so in that experience of your wholeness you literally feel your oneness with everything.  And without a false sense of separation that creates fear, there is the peaceful perspective of that which is utterly appropriate in your actions.  And when you behave in the world from that place, everyone will say you have served them. 
If you try to serve your fellow man without doing this, your fellow man will recognize your willingness to give your power away, and they will take charge of you, and you will be the puppet at the end of the strings that are attached to their fingers.  And then you will say in all misery, “There must not be a God, because when I have decided to express love to my fellow man, I have just been used.”  That’s because the fundamental, basic, initial, connectedness with your Being, and the joining with the Holy Spirit that that means, didn’t occur first, providing the ballast or balance that allows you to be truly appropriate in transformational ways. 
This might sound like a complicated task, or a big hurdle to be able to get over, and maybe it will take you more time to get over it than you have before you should tackle joining the Peace Corps.  No.  Join it, today, tomorrow, while you are in the groups.  Be with your fellow man and woman with the desire to know what the Father’s Will is, with a desire to have a perspective that is not based on what you perceive their needs to be, but based upon what you feel impelled by the Holy Spirit to do. 
Your desire to participate in the Peace Corps, came as a result of listening.  It is an evidence of emerging clarity.  And so, it is appropriate for you to take that step.  But just remember each step of the way, listen to the Holy Spirit. 
Paul would become apparently utterly useless if he was really trying to help you, and if you became the focal point, and if he cared what you thought about his “help.”  But his attention is with me, and he is expressing what is unfolding in his conscious experience as a result of that listening.  And then, you might say, that as a result of that you feel unity, you feel touched, you feel heard, you feel embraced, and you are likely to say that Paul is very helpful. 
And yet as I said earlier, he has been out of control for ten years, and has no sense of having accomplished a task of being helpful.  Because, if you want to know the truth, he doesn’t even have any idea of why what I might be saying to you would be helpful.  But it doesn’t change the fact that he is experiencing meaningfulness within himself, and everyone else is experiencing meaningfulness, and therefore there is fulfillment—obvious fulfillment. 
I have said it before and I will say it again:  The most direct route to your fellow man is right through the center of your Being.  So if you want to help your fellow man, go into that place in you where you can experience your divinity, and in that experience have the inescapable recognition that your experience of your divinity proves the divinity of your fellow man. 
And then, just as with Mother Theresa, you may look at anyone in any apparent condition and see the Christ.  And in seeing the Christ, be that act of love that I have described as the recognition of that which is Real, with a capital “R”, in each and everything—which is transformational, which is the leaven that leavens the whole lump. 
Enjoy this new adventure, but don’t become so excited with its novelty that you stop experiencing it from your best centered, connected place.  That’s the end of the answer.
QUESTION:  I have a follow up on that.  There seems to be a conflict between being so self-centered, and then being interested in other people.  And you described my problem very clearly in your answer to me.
ANSWER:  That was a description of the solution. 
QUESTION:  Well, it’s also the problem.  All right I’ve written it down, so I’ll review what you said as my solution.  Thank you.
ANSWER:  Indeed, you have illustrated a wonderful point.  Everyone, at sometime or another, arrives at a point of saying in all frustration and despair, “I can’t do this.”  And you judge yourself and you feel miserable and your words have stated the problem.  And then in the moment of your deepest despair you realize that that statement is the answer—“I can’t do this.”  And you feel the relief that you don’t have to continue trying to do what you can’t do. 
The realization that you really can’t do it is a revelation that you had been bound by your concepts to do something that it was not reasonable for you to do, and your conditioning continued to tell you that it was reasonable.  And the moment you say, “I can’t do it,” and you feel the relief of it, your world that expected you to do it, or supported your belief that you ought to be able to do it, will reconfigure and no longer support your belief that you ought to be able to do it.  And it will confirm that you cannot do it, and that the world doesn’t expect you to do it. 
It is a truth, “To thine own self be true, and it must”—it doesn’t say it might or it ought to—“it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” 
What is the gift you have to give?  What is the gift that any of you have to give?  You exist.  There is a reason for your existing.  The reason for your existing is to make the gift of who you Are—the Individualized, but unlimited expression of God. 
How can you make the gift of your Self if you don’t know who you Are?  It is selfish to make a gift when your hands are empty.  It is selfish to ignore yourself for the sake of others and their perceived needs, which they will be most happy to convince you of and prove to you are real—for which there is no solution.  They will be happy to convince you of that. 
You know why it is selfish to serve others?  Because in ignoring yourself you don’t make the gift of you, and it would seem that some aspect of God is unexpressed.  You are withholding God from expression when you are trying to be what someone else needs you to be.  And yet, if you do care enough to be what the ego calls selfish and you do yield enough, you do sacrifice the masks and the misperceptions and the false definitions of yourself, and you do begin to feel who you essentially Are, which means to feel the presence of God. 
Then what will happen where you are is the Movement of God.  And it will be congruent and it will be transformational and everyone will say, “You have been most helpful.  You have changed my life.”  And you will say, “But I didn’t do anything.  I don’t know why you would say that.  But I am very happy for you.  And I thank you for loving me in your expression of gratitude.” 
The ego is a hundred and eighty degrees out of sync, that’s why it’s a liar and the father of the lie.  It says the exact opposite of the truth.  And it says to be loving you must extend yourself to others at your own expense.  Martyrdom is the sign of great spirituality.  That’s the end of the answer.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

"You are the only dynamic point of transformation that exist."

Do you know that you are a more efficacious voice for transformation in the world than any book, teaching, philosophy or religion? In fact, you are the only dynamic point of transformation that exists!

Teachings and thought systems have not the capacity to embody Love, and only Love embodied is transformational. How to be the presence of Love cannot be taught. Therefore, all that any religious or spiritual teaching worth its salt can do is point you in the direction of that inner point of honest struggle and decision, wherein you yield to God - where you do more than say, "Thy will be done," and actually set aside your own in favor of His.

Do not ask any book or teaching to reveal God to you. It is impossible. To revere a document or a set of words will only distract you from the reverence due the altar in your heart where We await you, and your freedom from illusion, too. It is so easy, but preoccupation with external props can make it difficult if they are used improperly. Do not make gods of them and bow to them. Do not revolve your life around their words, but let the words inspire you to go within. From there release the words that helped you to that inner place, and open up to Him in all simplicity, humility. Don't hold Him to the words that brought you to the point of feeling His sweet love for you, just as you would not hold Him to the suffering it sometimes takes to bring you to your knees and open up your heart.

Whatever brings you to that place within where all the bullshit stops, be grateful for. But do not idolize the means by which your honesty came into play and opened up the door to your Inheritance. Once opened, you will be the Love that can't be taught, and transformation will occur, for you will be about your Father's business, hopelessly original in everything you say and do and be.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Soul mates

QUESTION:   Do I have a soul mate in this lifetime, or will I find a marriage partner, a committed partner?
RAJ/JESUS:   The concept of a "soul mate" is a very romantic notion, which, from the human standpoint is marvelous and wonderful. But, it presupposes an incompleteness of you, which will be completed by the presence of this one "special" one.
When it begins to dawn in your thought that because you are the direct expression of the Life-Force, the Life-Principle, or God, and that therefore you are the expression of a Wholeness, a Totality, which is forever intent on fulfilling Itself because It MUST forever manifest the eternal creativeness of the Father, then it will become obvious to you that whatever forms evolve to identify fulfillment are arising out of the Wholeness that You Are, rather than the "incompleteness" that you are.
As this begins to dawn in your thought, it will become obvious that this has to be absolutely true of any individual who may come into your experience and apparently constitute a committed life partner. Thus, it will become obvious that the relationship that evolves will simply be constituted of the harmonious blending and unfolding of the universal Life-Principle, which is constituting your Individuality and the Individuality of the one with whom you are sharing the relationship.
Now, it is the Intent of your Being to fulfill itself perfectly. Therefore, you can ANTICIPATE the coming into your experience of that which will identify experientially the Fullness or Wholeness of your Being.
Being is not finite. Your Being is not finite. Restated: Your Being is infinite. The harmonious unfoldment of that Infinity embraces every other aspect of the infinitude of your Being of which a potential partner is one part. You constitute an aspect of the infinitude of that "other one" who would constitute a partner. And, again, your coming into each other's conscious experience simply constitutes the harmonious flow of the tapestry of Life, the tapestry of your Being, his Being, without any actual sense of "separated beings."
QUESTION: A feeling of total connectedness?
RAJ: Exactly. Each of you will bring to each other out of the Wholeness of your Being, rather than out of a sense of partiality, of separated incompleteness.
Now, if your Being is Total at this moment, then at EVERY moment you are subject to the fullness of the experience of that Totality. And there is not some partner who may or may not be incarnated at this time, who you may or may not connect with, who you may or may not overlook, etc. And yet, all of these factors come into play in the concept of soul mates.
You can dare to be alert to see how your Being unfolds Its fulfillment in the form of a partner, while at the same time, within your anticipation, being aware that this "other one's" Being is in the process of manifesting Its fulfillment. The coming together is a total, divine activity that expresses the Oneness of Being, rather than the coming together of two tiny, inconsequential, little mortal organisms who may be able to manufacture enough satisfaction to make life worth living.
You see this is part of waking up into the Wholeness of your Being NOW! It constitutes beginning to see yourself in a new way HERE! Not off in the future after you have Ascended.
QUESTION: Is there anything I need to know at this time?
RAJ: The key need here is self-confidence and competence. It is important to understand that as long as you are depending upon your reasoning and thinking processes and your memory, you will always feel a lack of competence and self-confidence, because you know that there is always something which may escape your grasp, something which you may not have sufficient knowledge about in order to be able to cope as well as you would like.
If you insist on depending upon your limited education and limited experience at reasoning, extrapolating, and coming to conclusions, you will overlook the fact that you, within your Being, embrace all that there is to know. And, that there is a place in you where you can access this deeper level of Knowing. Yet, this is the one essential thing for you, and indeed for everyone, to discover.
You are not totally oblivious of this, and you are not totally unfamiliar with this place, even though you can afford to devote more of your attention to it. So, I am going to encourage you to allow yourself to even more consistently draw from your greater capacity to be aware in dealing with any and every situation, which confronts you.
It is out of your Knowing that your self-confidence will emerge, and your experience of your competence. It will seem to be what you would call "intuitive." You have not been encouraged by the educators in your educational system to rely heavily on Knowing that doesn't arise out of the mental processes of data gathering, sorting, reasoning, and coming to conclusions. Yet, as you are aware, those processes never allow you to come to a place of real security, real self-confidence, even though it will bring you to a reasonable level of competence.
Again, this is specifically the area that needs your attention at this time. The more you are willing to trust into your deeper levels of Knowing, which you brought with you into this life experience, and which have continued to be with you constantly, the more you will find your self-confidence and self-appreciation growing. It will be with a sense of stability and competency that will not be accompanied by a fear of potential guilt, because what you know will not be subject to personal judgment.
Since you do not "figure out" what you Know, you are not subject to judgment for it, and from an ego place you are not able to take credit for it, either—other than for your willingness to be in that inner Place where you can access your deeper levels of Knowing. That you WILL have been responsible for.
Again, I encourage you to continue to let your efforts be in this direction. It is the right direction. In the meantime, if you find yourself feeling unsure, be willing to override it and hang in with your intent to listen deeply within for the knowledge needed at any given time in your day, whether it is with a client, whether it is deciding between a roast or ground round for company the day after tomorrow, or whether you want to take in a show.
Realize that you are not actually reaching outside yourself. You are not turning your life over to some external source. You are choosing to gather your information from a much deeper level of your Being, which Knows exactly what is most appropriate because It sees the larger picture—a picture which you presently are unable to grasp directly, other than by this process of going within and listening specifically. The harmony, which will result, will further substantiate your ability to trust, and this will increase your feeling of competency and confidence.
~excerpt from Conversations with Raj 1985 Newsletter

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Raj; Have you decided you do not want to die.

RAJ:  Good Morning. 
QUESTION:  Specifically one of the things that you had mentioned briefly on a few tapes has been the idea that we could possibly live to be 500 or 1,000 years old.   And I have been involved and studied such subjects as physical immortality And we talk about Awakening… I still get the feeling that people think of what happens when we Awaken would be that we would go through the traditional idea of what death looks like.   In other words, that this body would be left behind to where it would be buried by those who are looking at that body, as opposed to the possibility that we do not leave that discarded form And I think we would all like some clarity on those ideas.
ANSWER:   Well, let me begin by saying that death is abnormal The focus of attention shouldn’t really be on living 500 years or 1,000 years, or 10,000 years The focus really should be on living fully now. However, if you will all begin to consider what I am telling you is a fact—that death is abnormal—then that becomes something just like disease, which needs to be healed, the belief in the necessity of dying needs to be healed. And the way healing occurs is always a matter of a shift of consciousness.
So, instead of seeking immortality—because you are already all immortal—I encourage you to seek the fullness of the experience of Life now.   If death isn’t inevitable, and if it isn’t the stepping-stone to enlightenment, then that will change how you exist in the moment, because you won’t be able to say, "Well, when I die, I’ll go to heaven, so, if I dally a little bit longer in ignorance, big deal!"
If death isn’t the stepping-stone to anything, and if it is unnatural, then that really puts the focus of your Awakening—the focus of any fullness of life that you would look to in the hereafter—in the now, which is where it has needed to be all along.   You need to approach today as though today is the day to wake up!
If there’s no single event in the future which is going to thrust you into enlightenment, then there’s nothing to wait for in the future. Therefore, if you want to experience improvement, you’re going to have to give your attention to improvement in the moment you’re living. And that’s what we’ve been talking about all weekend—how to improve the moment in which you are living. And the way to improve the moment in which you are living is through love.
You can’t say, "Well, in the sweet bye and bye my difficult husband will wake up, and so if I delay loving him until then, I’ll be able to love him then."   If, in the sweet bye and bye, he is not going to be enlightened because of the fact that the "bye and bye" has arrived, then your delay in loving him, or in loving each other, is a complete waste of time—time that should have been spent having an object of your affection, and caring enough about him or your fellow man to hang in there with him with the intent to look at him with innocent eyes, nondefensively.   Why? So that you might be the presence of Love which is transformational and which makes it easier for your brother to realize he doesn’t need to maintain his defenses any longer and can allow for a shift in him.
So, forever you have been.   Forever you have existed—your life didn’t start a certain number of years ago, here. And forever you will be. So, you are already as eternal as you will ever be.   You are at this instant Eternal Beings.
Remind yourself of that every morning when you wake up.   Remind yourself of it because you have forgotten, and you believe that you aren’t.   You need that little jog of your memory:  "I am already eternal."
Well, if you’re already eternal, then eternality isn’t something for you to achieve, it’s something for you to start embodying, by being now in a new way.
So, here’s another apple cart that’s overturned.   And the apple cart that’s overturned is that you will somehow automatically, through an event called death, be transformed. You won’t be. You won’t be transformed. You won’t experience transformation until, right now; you begin to behave like what you Are, instead of delaying it by saying, "Well, this is all an illusion."   Or, "My soul is inhabiting a material body, and this body is a real impediment to my experience of my spirituality. All I can do is make the best of it until I drop this body.   And thank God that I have spiritual truths to make this strenuous journey more pleasant!"
Can you see that all that means is that Eternal Beings are imagining that they are not eternal?  That Christs, whose visibility and tangibility identifies the presence of God, are saying, "I have a soul that is different from my body, and my body keeps my Christ-hood from showing, and I’m stuck with that.     But, you know what? I’ll think loving thoughts, and I’ll smile loving smiles, and I will behave as though I am the Christ, even though we all know I’m not The best I can do in this lifetime is be Christ-like—use good manners, not be unpleasant with my neighbor…"
But you are the Christ, and what you’re experiencing is the Kingdom of Heaven, and you already are eternal.   So, at the bottom line, if you’re experiencing anything different from that right now, all you’re experiencing is a bunch of ideas which are contrary to the Truth, which you are believing and holding yourself to And you’re all just being a bunch of actors! You’re being the Christ, acting like a "mortal."
Now, if death is unnatural, and if it is an illusion—and I tell you that it is an illusion—and if it isn’t the stepping-stone to enlightenment, then you’re stuck with the obligation to stop being Christ-like, and start being the Christ that you Are.  
As I’ve been saying since the beginning of this Gathering, that isn’t always easy, because you’re so committed to your imaginative sense of who you are, and you all have created little rules of the "game of being mortal." It’s like the old game, "Let’s Pretend," except now you believe your pretensions.   And you have all agreed to bind each other to those pretensions, because the game is so stimulating, even though it scares you to death.   Scares you to death? (Raj was making a fun and had to repeat it in a question to get the audience to laugh.)
What is Love? It’s you, remembering that you’re the Christ, and reminding your brother and sister that he and she are the Christ, and neglecting to play the game of mortal humanhood any longer. And when you remember that you’re the Christ, the manner in which you will remind your brothers and sisters that they are the Christ will not be in the old way that you, as an ego, tried to teach each other something.   It will be through an expression of tenderness, compassion, patience, and love When you say, "no," it will not be a judgment, but a simple statement of fact, stating your position, and it will not be heard as a put-down or as a judgment.   You will not lose your integrity in the process.   And this is the way you uncover the eternal life which you are incapable of having an experience different from.
You are incapable of successfully having an experience different from eternal life. That means that you are experiencing your eternality at this very moment, even though you’ve imagined that it is a moment in a span of years that began at birth and will end at death.
The way the illusion of birth and death will be undone is when you begin to acknowledge your eternality now, and begin to behave on the basis of what that really means—that it isn’t an achievement which is going to occur in the future, and it’s not a gift which will be bestowed upon you by God when you have finally earned it.
If the gift has already been given to you and you’re not experiencing it, it means you haven’t opened the gift. Does that state it clearly?  So, what are you faced with? Nothing but opening the gift and receiving it. But, if you imagine that it’s a gift which will be given next Christmas, or next lifetime—even though it has been given—you won’t touch it. And so, that’s why I’m telling you, the gift is in your face!  It is already the fact about you.   Contemplate what that means, and see what changes that brings to the way in which you live the moment you’re in.
If there’s not a prize at the end of the road, and if you were going for a prize at the end of the road, now what you do in the road, right where you are will change.   If being where you are on the road isn’t a part of getting to the prize, then either life at this point in the road is totally meaningless or the fact is that it’s totally Meaningful, and it needs to be taken hold of in its fullness today—here at Asilomar, in those chairs or wherever you are when you get home.   The fullness needs to be taken hold of now because it’s not ever going to come in the future.
Again, if you get up on Christmas morning and you don’t look under the Christmas tree, you’re not going to see anything to open, and you’ll wait for next Christmas And if you always think it’s going to be coming next Christmas, the gifts will go unopened that are already there.
Now, if there isn’t any "next" Christmas, what does that say about today?  Well, it isn’t leading toward anything particularly good, is it?  Again, that can be very discouraging…or one can say, "Well, I’m going to open my eyes and look under the Christmas tree that’s right in front of me."
You’ve got to start looking for the fullness of Being now!  The ultimate is happening now!  But everyone is so locked into the definitions of everything that you’ve given, and that you’re so sure of, that it doesn’t even occur to you that there is more of Reality to be experienced now.  And that doesn’t just mean Reality "out-there," it means the Reality of each one of you right now.
You are the Christ right now.  You are the full, unlimited expression of God at this very instant.  You are the ultimate of What You Are right now, even though you are insisting on imaginations about yourself, and claiming that those imaginations are what are really true.   And part of those imaginations is that you will grow old and die, and immortality will be gained next Christmas…next lifetime.
And so you are like the Christ who got up here last night and pretended he was the ego.   (At entertainment night there was a professional comedian who did a skit called "Miraj the ego." It was hilarious.)
I think you get the picture.
~excerpt from Gathering with Raj, Asilomar, 1996

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Raj Alergies

Question:    My question is concerning health and healing.  And I’m wondering if ego or limited concepts . . Well, I have a tendency to react to certain foods.  And I’m wondering if limited concepts or ego consciousness is limiting my ability to, let’s say, to keep to a strict diet, or the limited concepts and ego is limiting my ability to experience foods that I would wish to experience at any time? RAJ:    It is both, but the culprit is the latter.  The limiting beliefs are keeping you from enjoying whatever you would call normal foods going into your mouth and through your body without upsetting you. Now, I would encourage you to approach this from the standpoint of understanding what substance is.   Because no matter what the form taken is, the substance is the one and only substance, which is—and I am not being too absolute here—the presence of God expressed, the presence of Meaning expressed.  And as I brought out earlier, every single form is nothing more and nothing less than Meaning expressing an idea in the Mind of God. Now, as long as you divide forms into categories and define the substance of those various categories as being different from each other, you are operating under and false concept, a sense of division, a sense of separation.  This arises out the fundamental ego perception that divides the infinity unity of God up into disparate or fragmented parts. Again, I encourage you when you are considering various substances that appear to be different—coming from different food groups, etc.—to acknowledge that they are all various forms of one substance, which are expressing the differing intents or meanings given by the Father, given by the Creative Life Principle, or Infinite Mind, for the purpose of expressing infinity.  If they are one substance, then there cannot be any reaction between one and other. Your body is the same substance—the substance of Spirit—as the substance of squash, or lima beans.  I will extend this a little further to include pollens and other forms of substance that it is believed the body can react to unfavorable.  The reaction arises out of a fundamental belief that there actually are many substances which can function at odds with each other. All of your world needs to be brought under one heading.  In other words, you need to find one Source underlying every single manifestation of form or substance.  In this way you will not find substances killing you, or making you ill, or giving you headaches, or inflaming your sinuses, or irritating your lungs.  Either all is God, or all is not God.  And if it is all God, which it is, then you need to begin to consciously embrace and acknowledge every single thing as the manifestation of Meaning, instituted, or instigated, if you will, by the Will of the Father. If the Father is indivisible, then the Father is undivided.  And His infinite Self-expression must manifest that same indivisibility. Now, your ego looks at the Allness of God and says, “It is good and it is bad.  It is healthy and it is unhealthy.  It is destructive and it is constructive.  It is chaotic and it is harmonious.”  It divides singleness into duality, conflict and polarization.  And it overlays your perception of the Kingdom of Heaven and causes what you see to seem to be divided and in conflict.  And you must challenge that.  You must challenge it consciously, by acknowledging that this has to be illusion.  Because if God is All, then what you are seeing cannot in actuality be divided or polarized. And then I encourage you, very gently, without overwhelming yourself to begin to explore your world, partake of your foods, embracing those foods with the conscious awareness that they are not of any different substance from the substance of your body.  And therefore, there is not foundation for reaction.  And I encourage you to expect to experience the movement of those substances or foods through your body with absolute harmony and with your getting the complete nourishment that you should be getting from those foods. You have become conditioned to react to those substances.  And I realize that it appears to you that you didn’t think about it, and you just discovered that you were allergic, or that you had reactions, and that you have just had to live with it.  But I will tell you that there was a point at which you bought into the fundamental belief that you live in hostile territory.  W whether it was when your Mother told you to watch out for cars, or not to play with electrical sockets, or outlets. You have embraced the concept, the belief that you live in a polarized world.  And now you are having the opportunity to challenge that belief, and be open to the experience of the unity of your world as it bares directly on you and your eating.  And it is a wonderful opportunity for you.  And as you find yourself becoming free of reaction, this experience will lay the groundwork for your challenging the idea of polarization, of conflict in other areas of your life so that you may move through into the harmony of those aspects as well. Do not labor under the belief that there is justification for you not to be able to eat certain foods, because your body cannot take it or will not respond gently and normally and naturally.  Challenge that idea.  And explore your capacity to enjoy those foods. As I said though, approach it gently.  If you are allergic to squash—let us say, yellow squash—do not eat three of them at a meal just to see if indeed it is going to move through you without reaction.  Your capacity to trust into that much squash moving through will be difficult and there is no need to test in that way.  Explore a little bit at a time.  And as you find yourself not having reactions and relaxing more because of that, you will find yourself able to eat more normal quantities. It is not appropriate for you to have to defend yourself against your world and the fear that what you DO is what creates the physical symptoms that seem to substantiate the belief.  It is your Birthright to embrace your world fully without suffering.  Southport, Australia--1989